Friday, September 18, 2009

Tips to Morning Sickness Relieve

More than half of pregnant women experience morning sickness and we all know it’s hard to bear with, but with adequate preventive actions we might be able to reduce the symptoms. First and foremost, we should keep a positive mindset. Many health consultants think that this is a good sign as this means that the placenta is developing well. Secondly, morning sickness usually stops after 3 to 4 months of pregnancy.

Here are some tips that you may try:


  • Avoid warm places as it increases is feeling of nausea
  • Take more rest during the day
  • Get enough sleep at night
  • Get out of bed slowly in the morning
  • Allow a constant flow of fresh air during cooking and after meals
  • Wear “acupressure” wrist bands
  • Sniff lemons or ginger, drink lemonade, or eat watermelon
  • Avoid taking medications for morning sickness
  • Eat small meals throughout the day
  • Avoid rich, greasy, fatty or spicy foods
  • Eat soda crackers or dry toasts 15 minutes before getting up in the morning
  • Drink fluids half and hour before or after a meal, not during the meal
  • Take parental vitamins at night. Increase vitamin B6 by eating whole grains, nuts, seeds, peas and beans
  • Eat what you want and when you want it
These are some tips that could help you. But if these tips can’t help you much, be sure you seek for doctor’s advice.

:: Click Here For Proven TIPS on Morning Sickness Remedies ::

Causes Of Morning Sickness

Do you experience nausea and vomiting during the early stages of your pregnancy? If you have, this is what we call “morning sickness”. Morning sickness typically appears in the earlier part of the day (morning), hence the term “morning sickness”, however, for some cases, it might happen also at anytime of the day.

The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown. However, proximate causes of morning sickness include:
  • An increase in level of hormone estrogen.
  • Low blood sugar. The placenta drains energy from the mother, though studies have not confirmed this.
  • An increase in level of progesterone. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the muscles of body, in this case, the uterus, which prevents early childbirth. However, it will have same effects on other muscles, such as the intestines and stomach, leading to excessive stomach acids.
  • The build up of HCG (human chorionic gonadotopin). HCG is produced after implantation and increase continually until about the 12th week of pregnancy, where at this point it will start to decrease. This is when your morning sickness might start to decrease as well.
  • An increase in sensitivity to odors.
Morning sickness can be difficult to deal with, but according to a recent research, mothers that experience morning sickness have a lower tendency of miscarriage. Therefore, we should think positively and who knows – this might help to reduce your morning sickness!

:: Click Here For Proven TIPS on Morning Sickness Remedies ::

Am I Pregnant?

This is a question that most ladies ask when they start to notice some “symptoms” of pregnancy that they have known. However, knowledge on these symptoms differs from one person to another. The most commonly known are missed periods, and morning sickness. But these symptoms might not be due to pregnancy, so the best way to find out, when you experience such symptoms, is to seek for doctors’ examination and advice.

Other than the symptoms illustrated above, below is a more complete list of other symptoms of a possible pregnancy, so we don’t rely only what we have already known and we can seek for doctors’ advice as early as possible.

  • Missed period or a period with less bleeding than normal
  • Nausea or vomiting (morning sickness) – that can happen two to ten weeks after conception
  • Tender or swollen breasts
  • Backaches
  • Constipation
  • Darkening of breast nipples
  • Feeling tired and sleepy
  • Excessive salivation
  • Frequent urination
  • Cravings for food
  • Headaches
  • Increased sense of smell
  • Lower abdominal cramps
If you experience such symptoms, you should seek for medical advice as soon as possible, as it might be due to pregnancy or it might not. Other aspects such as illness or changes in diet can also lead to such symptoms.

Congratulations if you already have a baby on the way, and enjoy the happiness of becoming a mom!

:: Click Here For Proven TIPS on Morning Sickness Remedies ::

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Choosing The Gender Of Your Baby – The Shettles Method

The Shettles Method is a baby conception idea to help determine a baby's gender. It was developed by Landrum B. Shettles in the 1960s.

Based on his theory, a couple could affect the chances of conceiving a baby boy or a baby girl. Proponents claim between 75 and 90 percent effectiveness, but experts do not agree that the method works.

Concept of The Shettles Method
According to the theory, male (Y) sperm swim faster than female (X) sperm. Male sperm are also more fragile than female (X) sperm. Further to that, acidic environments don’t favor Y sperm, therefore, in acidic environments; it is more likely to make conception of a girl. There are 3 suggestions in The Shettles Method:

1. Timing of Intercourse
To conceive a baby boy, intercourse should take place closest possible to the moment of ovulation so the faster, Y-sperm reaches the egg first and achieve conception. When trying to conceive a baby girl, the couple should seek to have intercourse 2½ to 3 days before ovulation.

2. Sexual Position
Shallow penetration, together with depositing the sperm close to the entrance favors girl conception because the area is more acidic, which inhibits the more fragile Y-sperm. To allow the Y-sperm to arrive the egg first (supposedly swims faster), there should be a deeper penetration, so as to avoid the acidic area and deposit the sperm at the least acidic area near the opening of the uterus.

3. Orgasms
Female Orgasm favors male sperm because they make the vaginal environment more alkaline.

::Discover The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Gender Of Your Baby::